Resume Strategy

Who Should You Hire For Strategic Resume Writing?

Strategic Resume Writing

There is no shortage of opinions with regards to how to write a resume. A Google search will produce tens of thousands of resume writing opinions

Would you rather hire a resume writer based on their opinions or based on their resume writing results?

Hire a resume writer who is a gifted Strategic® thinker. The Strategic® I'm referring to here is defined by the CliftonStrengths™ assessment as someone who is gifted to spot relevant patterns and issues. This person can see from A to Z in one blink. They see the big picture and the see multiple paths to get from here to there. 

This type of thinking is a gift that someone either has or they don't have. The Strategic® thinking mentioned in the Clifton StrengthsFinder™ cannot be taught. 

You might also want to hire a resume writer who does a significant amount of writing as part of their daily activities. The measurable and quantifiable evidence is always helpful. Here's my evidence of my daily writing activity and how it stacks up to others who happen to use the Grammarly tool. 

Grammarly Productivity

Look for a resume writing professional who has a sufficient enough vocabulary to keep up with the complexity of the vocabulary that might be used in your profession.

Grammarly Vocabulary

Look for a resume writing specialist who understands how to blend technical writing, business writing, and creative writing just right. How will you know if their blend is just right? They'll be able to show you how their past clients have achieved resume writing results like this.

I have an interview next Tuesday based on the resume you just finished for me. I am amazed at your expertise and your understanding of how the industry works. You are amazing.
— Technology Leader

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“I’m Stuck”, Said the Job Seeker


Many job seekers get stuck because they don’t see the strategic paths from where they are that lead to where they want to go.

While your resume is always about you, it should always be written for the benefit of another person. We’ll call these other people the audience for your resume.

  • If in your profession, you use language, acronyms and/or abbreviations that 100% of your audience does not use or clearly understand, you might get stuck.
  • Most people write resumes about themselves as if they’re writing their resume for themselves.  This approach will frequently get you stuck.
  • If your resume’s audience can’t figure out who you are, where you are, how to contact you, what you’re great at and how you can specifically solve their problems, you’ll likely find yourself getting stuck.
  • If you're ready for a leadership role and you're sending out resumes that carry laundry lists of technology rather than evidence of what you've done to lead, guide, mentor and grow other people, you'll likely get stuck in the hands-on individual contributor role you're in today. 
  • When employers are asking for job candidates who are visionary, strategic, collaborators who can influence, guide and execute and you aren't crystal clear as to which of those traits describe you, it will be very difficult to write a resume that addresses the traits and behaviors employers are seeking.
  • Your resume should give evidence of accomplishments, contributions and the value you've created for past employers in order to demonstrate that you can create similar value for the future employer.

Research by The Ladders suggests that you now have 6 seconds to make a first impression when you share your resume. In those first 6 seconds when a resume reviewer puts their eyes on your resume, you’re making a first impression whether the impression is a good or a bad impression.

Your resume's first impression should be clean, clear and logical enough to entice a data-overwhelmed resume reviewer to slow down to read your resume. 

Your resume's first impression is either an impression that will open an interview door or it is an impression that will keep you stuck in your current situation.

Jeff Snyder Coaching Blog, 719.686.8810

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