• You’ve made it past the gate keeper and you now have a telephone interview. Phone interviews cause many people to trip and fall. Don’t let this happen to you when I can help you to arrive confidently. Learn to prepare to ace phone interviews.

  • For over 25 years, I have been serving job candidates as their Interview Coach. Don’t hesitate to get interview coaching. Unless you’ve interviewed too often, you’re not supposed to be an expert at interviewing.

  • Whether you are early in your career and you’re not quite sure how to tackle an interview or you’re transitioning from one career to another or you haven’t interviewed in 20 years, I can help you.

  • There is nothing slick, fancy or gimmicky about this preparation. While you can’t anticipate everything an interviewer might throw at you, I’ll show you how to do interview preparation. Showing up prepared means you are showing up with clarity, confidence and a strategic plan.



I have never had this kind of response in the past for my Job search as I have with your resume guidance. By leveraging your advice, I have never felt more comfortable during the interview and salary negotiations.
— Master Technology Trainer


One of the best conversations in an interview I have ever had! Thanks for all the help with your Strengths and Interview coaching.
— Manager, Sales Engineering


You exceeded my expectations. This investment was well worth it. Our call was refreshing and motivating.
— Cyber Security Subject Matter Expert


I wanted to update you on my interviews. Had you and I not talked, I think my grade would have been a 6/10. As it was, with your guidance, I would now grade myself an 8/10. That is a significant improvement. That may be the difference in getting an offer or not.

The biggest boost I received from our chat was a simple but significant boost in confidence. I appreciate your help more than I can express.
— Chief Information Officer


Working on final this stuff takes a LONG time.

I am the preferred candidate for both jobs. Our interview coaching sessions definitely helped me to get here.

I will let you know when I get the offers and will use the steps we discussed to choose the right one for myself and my family.
— Global Chief Information Security Officer


Thank you for the interview prep. I feel better going into an important interview than ever before.
— Information Security Manager


I partnered with Jeff in an effort to land the right executive position. I had the skills, experience and talent - regularly becoming a finalist for positions but getting the news that I finished second and the position went to the other finalist candidate.

It was frustrating and becoming career limiting. With Jeff’s Career Coaching Program and direct style, I was able to not only identify and build on my strengths, but also show and express confidence in myself and what I had to offer - key areas I had been missing.

The confidence was there, in me, and now others are seeing it - leading me to landing the executive position I had been seeking.
— Chief Information Security Officer


Just going through this exercise has already brought back a little more of my confidence.

I haven’t gone through an interview in a long, long time.

For your confidence building coaching, I am forever grateful.
— Senior Vice President