
Positivity Can Change Someone's Day, Week, Life


If you are fortunate enough to be gifted with Positivity as a potential strength, please do everything you can to learn how to live on the balcony of that strength, while never traveling to the basement. I have many coaching clients possessing high Positivity. I think they know, but they may not know how much they have helped me to battle with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease. I believe that Positivity is a gift that is meant to be given away to others. If you possess high Positivity and you keep it to yourself, you are robbing others of your gift that, in many cases, they so desperately need.

Positivity frequently shows up close to Woo and/or Communication. Woo and Communication are both Influencing themes. If you possess one of these potential strengths and it pairs with your Positivity, lean on it to share your Positivity with other people who need it.

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Is the Positivity Talent One of Your Top Talents?



The Clifton StrengthsFinder suggests that people who have Positivity talents have contagious enthusiasm.  They tend to be upbeat people who are able to get others excited about what they are going to do.

People who are gifted with this talent have an infectious energy and limitless enthusiasm. They can bring life to people and situations that need a boost of energy. 

You can find out how you’re uniquely wired and you can learn how to turn your unique set of strengths into leverage that comes out in your personal power!

Jeff Snyder Strengths Coaching

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