What’s Wrong with This LinkedIn Advice?


This morning, I accepted a LinkedIn invitation from someone who fits into my connection strategy on LinkedIn.  Yes, I’ve had a LinkedIn Strategy for many years that I’ve stuck with on my way to a nearly full LinkedIn network.

Immediately after accepting the new connection invitation, a LinkedIn page popped up suggesting that I send invitations to 436 people. Not only was this a suggestion, 436 names with titles and photos popped up with the connect box conveniently checked 436 times.

LinkedIn Trouble 2.jpg

If I were to click the “Add Connections (436)” button, what do you think the odds are the LinkedIn would freeze my account for sending connection invites to 436 people I don’t personally know?

LinkedIn Trouble 1.jpg


  • If you’re going to use LinkedIn, create strategies for your personal use of LinkedIn and stick to them.
  • I like shiny objects just as much as the next person. In this case, LinkedIn offered up a “shiny object” that on the surface looked great. Once I thought about the potential penalties that would likely be levied against my LinkedIn account if I were to add 436 people to my account all at once, the “shiny object lost its luster.

Jeff Snyder's, Jeff Snyder Coaching Blog, 719.686.8810

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