Jeff Snyder's Resume Writing Services…Coaching Security towards a Profession

Jeff Snyder

The Opinion

I’ll make this quick but I seriously want to make a point.  I just ran into a conflict with a CISO who suggested that my prices were too high.  While he’s entitled to his opinion, so am I.  

I think the CISO’s thought process is small and he isn’t thinking like a business executive. 

CISOs should walk, talk and act like business executives.

I won’t do anything to identify this person but I have to guess that he is making 6 figures.

It Started In 2008

In 2008, I created resume writing services at $599.00.  If you do homework, you’ll find that there are many services out there above $599.00 and they’re not worth a fraction of my services.  I have results to prove my statement and loads of references to back up my statement.

The $259.00 Solution

Two years ago, I figured out a way to adjust my resume writing service so it could be delivered at a lower price point of $259.00.  This service is priced to serve more people and it has been extremely successful all around the globe.

Maybe you don’t need this service right now.  Maybe you’ll never need this service. I respect that.

If you ever do look for a resume writing coach, do yourself a favor and don’t be penny wise and pound foolish when you make your decision.  I’ve helped many people who have hired “professional resume writers” to write their resumes but they didn’t get results.  After they’ve worked with me, they’ve gotten results.  

if you ever hire me, you're making an in yourself.  I take that seriously.  I deliver results.

What to Look For in a Resume Coach

  • A coach who has experience in your field of work and doesn’t try to make you adapt to only what they understand
  • A coach who has done homework with your customer to determine what your customer wants to see on a resume
  • A coach who has a proprietary methodology built from the ground up based on what the customer asked for
  • A coach who delivers results and has references
  • A coach who will give your money back if you are not satisfied
  • A coach who isn’t stuck in their 1900s way of thinking
  • A coach who is always looking for ways to improve their service for the good of their clients
  • A coach who is gifted to coach and has a track record of results


This kind of coach by the way should be charging far more than $259.00 or eve $599.00.  The coach who matches the description above is trying to serve as many people possible to push the security skill set to a point where it is considered a security profession.


Jeff Snyder Coaching, 719.686.8810

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